The majority of the human race are addicted to several erroneous presumptions:

Erroneous presumption #1:

The apotheosis of human intimacy is orifice orgasm. False.

The epitome of human intimacy is personal direct experience with the divine. True.

How to do this?  Release erroneous presumption #2.

Erroneous presumption #2:

We are our internal dialogue.  False.

The majority of people are addicted to their internal dialogue.  True.

Our true nature, our ability to have direct personal experience of the divine, arises when we release our addiction to our internal dialogue. Our true nature lies in awareness - what is aware of the internal dialogue?  Awareness itself.  

How do we release the addiction?  Through meditation.  More on meditation later.  Most people who have trouble meditating do not properly understand the practice. It takes work.  Which brings us to erroneous presumption #3.

Erroneous presumption #3.

We are meant to be happy.  False.

We are meant to be responsible - to ourself, our mind, our body; to others; to our planet. Satisfaction, fulfillment, happiness, etc. are a side effect of responsibility.  

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